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Version 1.4, 28th August 2021

Copyright © 2013 - 2024 by Ian Pawson

The CQ-DATV magazine was started by Ian in the February of 2013. It is an electronic only magazine centred on ATV and video engineering. The magazine is a free download and has been published every month since February 2013. It is available in several electronic formats including ePub and all its variants plus a PDF version. All the back issues are available free and are stored in the CQ-DATV library where they are accessible to all. https://cq-datv.ianp.uk/ebooks.php

Trevor joined the production team in the April of 2013. Trevor came from a background of professional television engineering and this is often reflected in his contributions and projects.

Terry was the next person to join and expanded the production team beyond the UK. Terry lives in Australia and now he produces the PDF version of CQ-DATV every month. Without him we would have struggled to produce both ePub and PDF editions.

Mike joined as an occasional member and was the architect behind Micro Corner as he thought that CQ-DATV was missing a trick and needed a section to advance this technology. Micro Corner is at the moment being rested and Mike has been assisting Trevor with the Grass Valley Mixer project.

Jim is the newest addition to the team and expanded our area of influence. Jim is a resident of the USA, He writes a popular ATV newsletter in the states and a lot of his RF focused copy appears in both publications.

If you would like to join our production team you would be most welcome, just don’t expect an impressive title, that’s not the way we work!. The free membership is sustainable though we do sometimes pass the hat around the team for webspace charges. Project development costs come out of the pocket of those developing the technology. We are currently doing so much with so little that we are in danger of becoming experts in doing everything for nothing.

CQ-DATV is published on the last day of every month and you can download your copy from https://cq-datv.ianp.uk/ebooks.php In addition we also run a download library to support our projects. This is for the most part the support files required by some of the projects and is located at https://cq-datv.ianp.uk/downloads.php

So now you can be one of our readers or better still one of our Contributors. We would love to hear from you, to share any ATV activity in your area with our readers. CQ-DATV magazine is we hope, what you have been waiting for. Please download and enjoy. If it's not for you, well we would like to offer a full refund, but as we do not charge, that might be a little difficult.

Following issue 100 (February 2022), it was decided to close the publication of the CQ-DATV magazine.

The style and menu system on this site is built using the Bootstrap V5 from https://getbootstrap.com/

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Top Copyright © 2013 - 2024 by Ian Pawson

Page last modified: 30th July 2022 16:46:06 (syno918)